Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahh, That Old Familiar Feeling

Now, you may think Im referring to the feeling of being so close to the end of my pregnancy. But you would be wrong- this time around feels completely different! No, the familiar feeling Im talking about is a pleasant Sunday afternoon watching my Cowboys stomp the pants off their opponent! That's right, football season has officially begun and I couldn't be more excited. I love everything about football season from just looking forward to the game after church to actually watching the game to even reading the articles afterward. I know, its a little pathetic. The only unfortunate thing is that Will has absolutely no interest in football what so ever. Im not sure how I forgot to leave that out of the list of requirements for marrying me! So to compensate, I am doing my best to get Luke to love it as much as I do. Today I dressed him in his #9 Tony Romo jersey that my sister gave him and together we watched the second half of the game. He missed the 1st because he was napping. He cheers along with me and yells "Touchdown!" , "Go Cowboys" and "Yea Romo!". Im hopeful that someday soon I will have someone to get just as excited as me every Sunday from September to January!


Jaime said...

That is too funny! I think it's so funny that you love football and Will doesn't. :-) Good for you, working to get Luke in on it! That'll be a fun memory for you guys for years to come!

Josie said...

I still don't picture you as a football girl,lol. now you have two boys to get into it.

hangnwjesus said...

Glad you are "training your child in the way he should go"! :)And glad I have a football friend who is a female!

By the way, being a Cowboys fan was one of my requirements for John that he did meet! Sad to say he didn't meet the musical requirement. Oh well, he has so many other good qualities to make up for it!
