Monday, July 7, 2008

26 Weeks

Will and I are home now from our trip to Inks Lake last week. It was so fun and relaxing, I really had a great time. I pretty much spent the entire time swimming, visiting and lounging under shade trees right on the lake shore. Luke went home with his Mammie and Jagen on Thursday and Mammie will bring him home this Thursday. Im really missing him but I know he is having a great time and I am getting some things done around here.

I had my Dr.'s appointment today where they draw blood for the glucose test. They also wanted to check my thyroid because it was still high last time. She said that every thing looks good and she scheduled another sono for 2 weeks because they couldnt get a good picture of the umbilical chord last time. I measured 30 cm today so we are still ringing up high. At least its consistent!

Well, Im off to continue being productive while I have no distractions here at home...


Mommy Lion said...

Productive? Wow, I don't think I remember what that looks like! *wink* Have fun!

Heather said...

My thoughts exactly Mommy Lion.