Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ok, so I was tagged by both Josie and Janette and apparently that means you are supposed to post the 4th picture from the 4th album on your computer. Well, the first few were of people that no one would recognize on here so I kept going to the next album until I found one that might be semi interesting. So here it is...

This is from 2001, the year before we got married during the miserable days of being in a long distance relationship. Will had driven from school to meet me at my Grandma's house in Dallas.

So, now Im tagging anyone and everyone who has not yet been tagged. Lets see some interesting pictures people!


Mommy Lion said...

how sweet! I think LU does something to their water . . . Will looks way too thin! *wink* (Mark was the same way!)

Jaime said...

I love the picture! How fun! If I ever post mine, it'll be within the last year because I always burn the year to disc (or discs) at the start of the new year. Bummer. Maybe I can just cheat and go find an old one! :-)

Janette said...

Will looks like such a baby!! :) (Not in a bad way, he just has a baby face!)