Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This Is Getting Ridiculous

At least twice a day I get asked the question "So, do you know if its a boy or a girl yet?". If you are one of these people asking, please know that this is NOT what is annoying me. I am just as anxious to know as the rest of, probably more so. My doctor waits until 24 weeks to do the second sonogram. Dont get me wrong, she has very valid reasons. One is that the insurance will only pay for it if it is medically necessary and since our insurance pays 100% in these cases I wont complain about that. Another reason is that she really doesnt like to do many sonos because they are a little distressing to the baby and she doesnt see any reason to do that if its not necessary. And finally, because she doesnt want to do too many, she wants to make sure that the ones that she does will really count so she wants to wait until she can get a very thorough look at the heart and brain. That, of course means the bigger the baby is, the better. And so, we wait...

But it is so frustrating when all the pregnant people around me get to find out what they are having much earlier in their pregnancies! Some of these are ladies whose doctors do a sonogram much earlier like 16-18 weeks and some of them have friends in high places (aka...the sonogram place) that will sneak them in. I have one such friend that is about 6 weeks behind me in her pregnancy and she was told 3 weeks ago that there was a 90% chance she was having a boy. Now, I would not decorate the nursery based on one done at 11 weeks, but at least she has some idea of what direction to go.

I suppose I will continue to try to be patient, its not like I really have a choice. Unless there is a sonogram tech out there, willing to sneak me into the office: ) I guess its better than back in the "old" days when you really didnt know until the baby came out!


Mommy Lion said...

Patience is a virtue!
I know that's what you wanted to hear! ;o) I feel your pain . . . I had to wait to 24 weeks too.
But don't worry it will all fly by!

Rebecca said...

Only 24 WEEKS? I had to wait until 28! I know your pain as well. Can you imagine what it was like not to know your due date?

Hang in will have 18 plus years to deal with what your baby is!

Janette said...

I'm being a little random, not commenting on what you actually wrote about...but I tried on that same dress at Motherhood! :) It looks way cuter on you...I didn't fill out the top enough! :)

Mer said...

I think I've asked you every time I see you!!!!!!! I'm "one of those" who just has to know as well. Therefore, I will anxiously await for you to tell me next time I see you at Walmart...oh wait school is out; that may not happen for a while. Ok maybe at church..oh wait, I have 3 kids may be a few Sundays. Call me if you find out!

evangeline said...

Hi Merrisa!!! I have to speak up in defense of "the old days!" We opted not to find out what we were having and it was SO fun! It's much more exciting to call friends & family with the news when nobody knows what it is or what its name is. Also, the nurses at the hospital get so excited because they say people hardly ever wait to find out anymore. We just did the nursery in sage green and primary colors, which is what I would've wanted even if we HAD found out, and then people smothered us with pink clothes after she was born.
Try it sometime. You might like it!